The COVID-19 pandemic has likely brought many changes to how you live your life. We are all experiencing an unprecedented amount of uncertainty, altered daily routines, financial pressures and even social isolation.As the country starts to open back up and you get ready to return to the workplace, it is important to create a plan you feel comfortable with. Use the tools and resources below to learn more about Work-Life Balance.
Where to Start
Create a routine. Maintaining a regular schedule is important to your mental health. In addition to sticking to a regular bedtime routine, keep consistent times for meals, bathing and getting dressed, work or study schedules, and exercise. Also set aside time for activities you enjoy. This predictability can make you feel more in control.
Set priorities. Don't become overwhelmed by creating a life-changing list of things to achieve while you're home. Set reasonable goals each day and outline steps you can take to reach those goals. Give yourself credit for every step in the right direction, no matter how small, and recognize that some days will be better than others.

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